Dls mnie to humor, wiem, ci co odbierali rekrutów w cyrku się nie śmieją ...
Posted by Irish Ranger (Sevvy) @VeteranIrish on X:
Right Sergeant Major, I’m ready to inspect the 100 new National Service recruits for the 1st North London Woke Regiment (Rishi’s Own)”
“Well Sir, we have a slight problem, only 1 recruit was picked up from the station”
“Yes Sir, one, we have had a few problems with the other 99.
50 have PTSD certification from excessive, extended, frequent exposure to stress due to
A. Failure of the wi-fi on the train/bus/home/office/Starbucks destroying their constant connection to Tik-Tok/Facebook/Snapchat/X/Jeremy Vine C5 You Tube channel….
B. Having to fill in a form….
C. Style/size/ issues with camouflage clothing.
25 have ADHD due to parenting issues relating to cessation of ‘Chest feeding’ at age 16.
10 had overweight issues relating to the large amount of body piercings.
10 were unable to issued with an I.D as facial hair, both nasal and ear prevented any positive identification.
1 was allergic to cotton, nylon, mohair, cashmere, silk and so they/he/him/her could not be issued with regulation underwear.
1 cited extensive food allergies which effectively rendered the mess food a danger to they etc…
1 identified as an earthworm and so could not carry arms.
1 chose to identify as a range target and feared exposure to danger even if they/he/him/her were not pasted…….
so that left the one recruit you have standing here…….
no identification I’m afraid, it appears he lost it on the trip over from France………
but appears to be familiar with an AK47 for some strange reason?